A&A Place

Establishment at 42 Nien Mar Lane, Killaloe, ON K0J 2A0, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about A&A Place: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.



42 Nien Mar Lane
Ontario K0J 2A0
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+1 613-717-3317


Opening hours

Sunday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Monday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Tuesday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Wednesday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Thursday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Friday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Saturday 12:00am — 11:59pm


5 /5

Based on 1 reviews

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Reviews of A&A Place

    Софья Аристова Added 2017-08-09
    We visited the resort with family, stayed for about two weeks in the cottage house, it was great!
    Our cottage had a good layout. There is air conditioning and a fireplace, comfortable bathroom with a toilet, a bar with a basic set of household appliances, covered terrace with access to the backyard.
    Almost the whole area of ​​the resort, including cottages, covered with free Wi-Fi network.
    Outside territory is clean and beautiful. Placed around the central road cottages is surrounded by manicured lawns. There is a dining room, connected with an open game room, where is interesting to spend time.
    Next to the dining room there is a sandy beach equipped with sun loungers. There is a small sauna with the adjacent territory with a view of the beautiful lake, benches, showers and a swimming pool with cold water.
    Resort staff is friendly and responsive, will help you with any difficulties.

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About aandaresorts.com

Resort on the lake.Ontario.Canada.
Resort on the Golden Lake, Ontario, Canada. Cottages, small cabins, campground, restaurant.
resort on the lake, resort in ontario, resort in Canada, cottage resort on the lake, cabins on the lake, restaurant on the lake